Child & Youth Friendly Saskatoon Declarations are signed by government agencies, businesses and community organizations. The declarations are displayed publicly to express each group's intentions to promote the well being of children and youth within their sphere of care. Organizations are encouraged to evaluate themselves for child and youth friendliness, and to commit to a new child and youth friendly initiative.
Recognizing the equal and inalienable right of all people to the fundamental rights of freedom, justice and peace, and that:
- everyone is entitled to these rights, regardless of age, race, colour, creed or other status
- young people are entitled to special care and assistance in assuming their rightful place in society
- all people should be responsible owners of their community, and share responsibility for the well-being of children and youth in their community
and, recognizing that;
- a child and youth friendly community is one in which all young people are safe, secure, nurtured, honoured and valued
- all young people can contribute and the significance of their contribution will be recognized
- all young people need opportunities to develop a sense of responsibility and ownership over their actions
Why Sign?
One of the most important components of the work of Child & Youth Friendly Saskatoon is the Declaration Program. This document is based on the United Nations International Rights of the Child and it is the heart and central philosophy of the organization. We are proud that so many fine companies and organizations have committed to the principles it promotes.
If you are interested in signing the declaration of child and youth friendliness for your company or group, please call our office at (306) 955-5437. We will be very glad to meet with you.